City of Grand Junction Embraces SharedSpaces Conference Room Signage
Conference and meeting room space is often in high-demand within both private businesses and government facilities. That’s why it is so frustrating to find an empty room—even when a reservations system might say it is fully booked – or walk into someone else’s meeting that has run over its reserved time slot.
TouchSource aims to eliminate those frustrations with its new SharedSpaces conference room signage. SharedSpaces is a simple, yet effective digital, contactless solution that can be displayed on a building directory or directly at the door of a meeting or conference room. The easy-to-deploy technology displays information on scheduled events, meetings and space reservations by using common calendar tools, reducing the need for employees to confirm when and where a meeting will take place.
The city of Grand Junction, Colorado was an early adopter of SharedSpaces, an all-in-one platform that includes software for scheduling and a monitor that displays information. Located on Colorado’s Western Slope region, Grand Junction serves as the gateway to the Rockies. Its city hall is a busy hub of activity, providing a variety of public services and hosting both community and city-related events and meetings for staff that includes some 650 full-time and up to 300 part-time and seasonal employees. We recently talked with Grand Junction’s Network & Security Supervisor Richard F. White Sr. to hear more about how the city has benefited from its SharedSpaces signage.
What were you using previously to reserve conference room space?
We were using the standard Microsoft Outlook calendar items.
Before you had the conference room sign, what were you doing to let people know what meetings were scheduled for the room?
There was nothing, no signage to let people know what meeting was occurring in the room.
What is the biggest value the city has seen from having the SharedSpaces signage in place?
It is preventing meeting interruptions as people walk into the wrong room for a meeting.
What feedback have you received after you installed ShareSpaces signage?
People have said that it’s nice to see if a room is busy or free, and also see what time meetings are scheduled for in that room.