January 27, 2020

Why Touchscreens Should Be at Your University

Digital building directories are popping up everywhere these days. You’ll find them in medical centers, shopping malls, airports, and even office buildings. But did you know that touchscreen directory systems can prove invaluable to schools, as well? TouchSource has the inside scoop on the many advantages and applications that come along with upgrading your college campus to digital directories.


Navigating large spaces can be extremely overwhelming, and college campuses are no exception. Students, staff, and guests are held to strict schedules and deadlines, making time a valuable resource no one can afford to waste by reading through analog directories or waiting in line at attended kiosks. Digital touchscreen directories provide an absolute goldmine of information, organized in such a way that users are able to find exactly what they’re looking for with just a few taps of the finger—that sure beats having to skim every part of text-based directories to find what you need! Our brains process visual information exponentially faster than other forms, and there’s no better way to present information in a dynamic, visually engaging manner than through digital solutions.

TouchSource Contactless Kiosks for Colleges and Universities


Digital directory services simplify the process of tracking down where you need to be. With the tap of the screen, users are able to choose whether they need to see a list of departments, amenities, or staff, as well as where to find them. You’ll also be able to broadcast important announcements, such as special events or urgent campus matters, maximizing your message’s reach.

Gone are the days of static maps and legends, as digital touchscreens offer a range of dynamic wayfinding solutions. Knowing where you need go is only half the battle—you’ll also need to know how to get there. Through the use of an electronic building directory, users are able to select their destination and view a highlighted floor plan, along with an animated path showing the best way to get to their desired campus location.


Touchscreen directories provide a venue for broadcasting upcoming events, on-campus activities, welcome messages, and more. In addition to being much more compact than their analog counterparts, the electronic nature of digital directories allows for an exponentially larger amount of data, thanks to user interactivity and informational screens that can be automatically rotated. The bonus here is that no manual signage changes need to be done. Your messages are simply created and updated via computer or other means, and can be pushed remotely to broadcast from one, some, or all of the touchscreen directories in your building or campus.

The benefits of on-the-fly changes are numerous. Before digital information kiosks hit the scene, unexpected changes to schedules, locations, and events often required telephone chains, word of mouth, and handwritten signs to get the message out. Being able to provide live updates, whether in the form of scrolling banners, digital signage, or even live video broadcasts to multiple locations on campus is invaluable to maximizing your audience and minimizing confusion.


Every campus has its own unique needs; there’s no one-size-fits-all directory solution. Perhaps the biggest draw in favor of touchscreen directory systems is their flexibility. Not only can they be easily tailored to the needs of your school as a whole, but they can also be customized down to specific needs of a particular building, room, or even purpose. You’ll have the option to install as many or as few apps as you need, whether it’s public transportation and weather information in the lobby, or lunch menu schedules in the school cafeteria.

It’s also important to note that your school can benefit from the overall convenience and informative nature of digital touchscreen services without sacrificing aesthetics and accessibility. Digital directory solutions are available in various formats, from free-standing kiosks, to surface wall mounts, to “outdoor kiosks” or “video walls, giving you the option to select a design that most effectively suits the look and purpose of the location.

With so many advantages, it’s easy to understand why more and more campuses are investing in touchscreen technology. If you are looking to maximize the potential of your school, touchscreen directory services and wayfinding systems may be just the ticket.