Interactive Digital Displays for Retail and Shopping Centers

Shopping Directories and Wayfinding

Retail stores, shopping centers, and malls are more than what they used to be. Shopping is more involved. Gone are the days of just waiting for foot traffic. Today’s technology allows businesses to interact and learn from their customers like never before. Enclosed malls are evolving to open-air shopping meccas. Customers are looking for promotions on mobile devices before entering stores. With all of these changes, TouchSource has a solution to help you capitalize. How?

  • Interactive Retail Directories: Shape the consumer experience when they visit your retail and mixed-use spaces.
  • Indoor & Outdoor Kiosks: Seamlessly update directories, promotions, maps, and more through our integrations with top retail solutions.
  • Mixed-Use Retail Wayfinding: Compelling, localized 2D and 3D retail maps and map-to-mobile capability guide shoppers and visitors to food, shopping, and nearby mixed-use attractions.
  • Advertise Tenants: Intermixed with your shopping directory and retail campus messaging, add in the ability to advertise featured tenants and easily rotate that content.

Solve the Puzzle for Your Customers

Understanding consumer behavior can be a complicated study. Many factors influence every customer’s decision, from what they buy, how much they spend, and how often they purchase, to their decision to even visit a retailer. At TouchSource, we provide technologically advanced products to improve the customer experience and keep bringing them back while allowing you to gain insight into their purchasing habits and provide pertinent and meaningful messaging and content.

Turnkey Retail Digital Directories

Our turnkey retail directories allow you to direct visitors to retail, dining, entertainment, and pop-up sites in a dynamic way. Lead customers on their journey with strategically placed interactive digital displays that direct foot traffic and increase customer engagement. For the ultimate holistic experience, connect displays with your website for effortless directory management. Our customers find success with:

  • 2D & 3D Interactive Retail Wayfinding Maps
  • Digital Shopping Directories
  • Leasing Information
  • Website Auto-Integration

Actionable Consumer Insights

Understanding your customers and knowing what makes them tick is invaluable insight and allows you to interact with them creatively. What’s important to them? What do they like and dislike about the shopping experience? Take advantage of TouchSource’s interactive digital displays to learn more through:

  • Consumer Interaction Analytics
  • Custom Content
  • Real-Time Transit Info
  • Scan-to-Mobile Directions & Promotions
  • Traffic Conditions
  • Weather

Easy-to-Manage Advertising & Marketing

Easily promote stores, offers, pop-up retailers, and more! Our marketing and advertising solutions allow you to integrate with national ad networks or display internal mall campaigns. Our interactive digital displays offer designs that enable customers to transfer maps, directions, and promotional ads simply to their mobile devices. Promotion possibilities are endless:

  • Adaptive Digital Advertising
  • Area Amenities
  • Calendar of Events
  • Community Calendar
  • Interactive Retail Maps & Marketing Offers
  • Marketing Messages
  • Promotions

Engage Customers Directly with Compelling Messages

Advertising and marketing messages change frequently, but we have the tools for retailers and malls to adapt. From updating promotions and sales to seasonal advertising and special events, there can be a lot to keep customers informed about. Make the most of your time with effortless and hassle-free updates to messaging in the most critical places with our interactive digital displays. Contact TouchSource today to request a quote.

2D & 3D Interactive Wayfinding Maps | Digital Shopping Directories | Adaptive Digital Advertising | Area Amenities | Calendar of Events | Community Calendar | Consumer Interaction Analytics | Custom Content | Interactive Maps & Marketing Offers | Leasing Information | Marketing Messages | Promotions | Real-Time Transit Info | Scan-to-Mobile Directions & Promotions | Traffic Conditions | Weather | Website Auto-Integration 

Our Products
Products to Fit Your Needs

Interactive Retail Directories

Shape the consumer experience when they visit your retail and mixed-use spaces

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Indoor & Outdoor Kiosks

Seamlessly update directories, promotions, maps and more through our integrations with top retail solutions

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Mixed Use Wayfinding

Compelling, localized 2D and 3D maps and map-to-mobile capability that guides shoppers and visitors to food, shopping and nearby mixed use attractions

Learn More ►

Hear How Starwood Is Transforming Retail

Starwood is the 5th largest manager of regional malls in the United States. With 100 million shopping visitors annually, Starwood redefines what it means to be a modern-day retail center by piloting cutting edge signage technology by TouchSource.

Read the case study ►

Customer Testimonials

Olivia Wurm, Assistant Marketing & PR Manager at 900 North Michigan Shops

Switching to digital directories has saved a lot of time. We used to have a very physical updating process, using 20-30 minutes per updated store name, and more time to shuffle names around on the boards – that’s hours you could spend on other efforts. Thanks to these directories, we have a very efficient process for communicating listings and important information to our guests. They don’t need to talk to a concierge staff member for general questions or to ask directions, which aligns with our goals as a luxury retail property. Our visitors expect the highest level of service, so we aim to make the client experience seamless for them.

Brian Price, Digital Marketing Director, Starwood Retail

Our teams have saved countless hours and our marketing is now consistent across all platforms.

Darius Hopkins, Boxer Properties

The TouchSource software is SUPER user-friendly! This is an amazing tool for commercial property managers with high rises and large buildings. To be able to update information in the blink of an eye and move on to the next project is always an amazing feeling! ACCOMPLISHED! ***** Rating for sure!

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