Update Your Digital Content with These Simple Tricks
As technology shifts in all aspects of our lives, it also develops in our offices and businesses. Digital touch kiosks are an innovative way to display directory information to all of your clients with ease. The biggest advantage of digital displays is the ability to update and change your information with the touch of a button. In mere moments, your entire message can change without having to hire anyone to come out and update signage. TouchSource digital touch displays make it easy for you to update information on your company’s kiosks. You’re free to update as little or as frequently as you’d like. But this poses the biggest question – how often should I change the content on my digital signage? We’re here to help you with that as well. Whether you’re using your TouchSource kiosks for interactive directories, retail wayfinding, or more, there are a few aspects to consider to maximize your message. With these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to mastering your newly-installed digital signage displays.
Keep Your Content Fresh
Studies show that the longer something stays in place without changing, the more people tend to ignore it. If you keep the same art installations in your office for years, it becomes invisible. The same goes for your digital signage. Your primary goal with your new technology is to keep things engaging and exciting for your viewers. As you develop your strategy and branding for your displays, your message will grow into itself. The first step into developing your image in the digital display world is to identify both your current demographic and who you want to obtain as a future demographic.
Identify Your Target Demographic
Who is looking at your digital kiosks? Who do you want to have looking at your signs? Your message and the way you present it will rely heavily on your audience. Companies that don’t connect with their customers don’t succeed. Take time to conduct research about who will be viewing your digital signage. How old are they? What do they do? What are their hobbies? How do they prefer to consume media? All of these questions and more can help you dial in your branding messages, and in turn, better serve your audience.
In the beginning, you may think that you need and want everyone and anyone to engage with your message. However, casting too wide of a net is inadvisable, as your message becomes generic and lacks engagement. On the flip side, presenting too detailed of a message alienates and segregates your audience. Digital advertising through engaging display kiosks is all about finding that delicate balance. Once you’ve identified your audience, the next step is figuring out how to keep them engaged.
Change Up Your Message Frequently
Experts believe that in order to maximize customer engagement, you should plan on updating your display content three times a day. The easiest way to accomplish this is by changing your message morning, afternoon, and evening. This keeps your content fresh and engaging no matter what time your audience views it. You will have different clientele at different times of the day. Further demographic research will help you identify when to digitally display what content. The worst crime many companies commit when displaying content is getting stale. People are smart, and when they see the same message every single day, they tune it out. Keeping your content fresh and engaging will keep your audience coming back for new information, demand attention, and help you maximize your return on investment for your TouchSource digital kiosks. Most companies recommend setting a schedule and sticking to it. We make it easy to schedule your content updates to change at certain times and days of the week and month. This streamlines the entire process so you can focus on other ways of engaging with your audience.
Location, Location, Location
So, you have the who and the what, but what comes next? Where. You want to place your new digital interactive kiosks in specific areas where they will be most engaged with. High traffic areas of your office, like breakrooms, work exceptionally well for keeping your staff updated. If you run an upscale restaurant with an ever-changing menu, your staff needs to stay updated every hour with critical changes. A digital display can update your staff with information on the fly, so they always stay in the know on how many specials you have left, recommended pairings, how many reservations to expect, and more. If you lead a sales department, our digital kiosks can display real-time updates on sales numbers, investments, goals, and more. These types of digital displays will require frequent updating, automated or manual. But what about information to a broader audience?
If you have a digital directory kiosk in your reception area at your office, chances are, you won’t need to update this information as frequently. You may only need to update content on these signs as new ideas, promotions, sales, and other specials come into fruition. The important part is finding a frequently-visited area where your message will be displayed prominently and clearly for your returning and potential new customers.
Try and Expose Your Audience to Content Three Times
Comedy has the rule of three, in which a joke gets funnier after the third appearance. Photography has the rule of thirds, in which your subject should fill your lens in thirds. This is not so different from advertising’s three-exposure rule. It states that to cement a message in your audiences’ consciousness and get your content across, you need to expose them to it three times. The first exposure should catch your audience’s attention. The second will elicit a response and trigger an urge to investigate further. By the third viewing of your message, it will have left a lasting impression of brand recognition. In a world of ads on seemingly everything, it’s important to control your digital kiosk message’s exposure to accurately portray your brand.
Most people ignore content that comes across them like a disinterested fish avoiding a lure. The objective is to present something eye-catching that is repeated enough to leave a lasting impression, making your audience (or fish) gamble on a bite. This three-exposure rule of advertising should set a nice benchmark to help you keep your digital kiosk signs updated with fresh content.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Your TouchSource digital kiosk comes with a laundry list of possibilities to maximize your message’s exposure. We make it easy to take advantage of auto-updating content features. We’re sure you’re busy, and while our new digital displays are exciting, some may worry they might become another aspect of your day to juggle. Our auto-updating content features allow you to effectively set it and forget it. Once you’ve analyzed your who, what, where, and when, the execution process is easy! Update your staff and customers with real-time data and information critical to reinforcing your brand ideals. Interactive directories are perfect for this, as they can advertise certain ideas while helping audiences obtain the information they need. You may have multiple digital kiosks across a vast span of space. It would be otherwise impossible to accurately and effectively update the information presented on all these at the same time you need to send these messages. With TouchSource software, updating all your messages is as easy as clicking a mouse. Don’t waste precious resources worrying about your image when the tech can work for you.